Gabriela Robin

Yoko Kanno is a Japanese composer, arranger and musician best known for her work on the soundtracks for many anime films, television series, liveaction films, video games, and advertisements. She was born in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. She has written scores for famous animated works, including Cowboy Bebop, Darker than Black, Macross Plus, Turn A Gundam, The Vision of Escaflowne, Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex, Wolfs Rain, Kids on the Slope, Zanky no Terror, and is the most trusted composer by veteran and newwave directors such as Yoshiyuki Tomino, Shinichiro Watanabe and Shoji Kawamori. Kanno has also composed music for pop artists, the most notable being Maaya Sakamoto and Kyko Koizumi. She is also a skilled keyboardist, and is the frontwoman for the Seatbelts, who perform many of Kannos compositions on the various original soundtracks for which she is responsible.


Source: Wikipedia